
Sleights – 1st Edition (Burling Hull) – Covers Loose Copy

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $15.00.

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SKU: s1ebhclc00025 Category:


First edition, 1914. Covers worn and separated. Otherwise the interior pages are very good. Staple bound. Thirty-one pages.

The title says it all. A collection of sleights, devised by Burling Hull, for an assortment of different effects.

A number of incidental effects, tricks, sleights, moves, and passes for purposes ranging from impromptu to platform performances.

A new way of performing the magnetized cards!

A card locator that does not require any sleight of hand, and others that do.

Billiard ball moves, thimble sleights, mind reading, handkerchief tricks.