Torn & Restored Newspaper Ultimate 1 – Victor Jamnitzky


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The magician asks the audience if anyone happens to have a current newspaper with him. As soon as a viewer responds, the magician goes to him and takes a sheet of the newspaper from him. He holds the sheet for all to see and then goes to a second person, who marks the newspaper with a pencil.

As soon as this is done the magician tears the paper in half, right before the eyes of the audience! (The marked newspaper is really torn in half, it has not been switched!) Holding up the two pieces of paper, the magician returns to the stage (podium, or whatever) and puts the two halves together to tear them through the middle again. He repeats this again and again, until there is nothing left but little pieces of paper. (And here, please note that the original marked newspaper has actually been torn up!) When he is done he shows the audience the shreds of paper, and then, without touching anything else or carrying out any other manipulation, the magician begins to unfold the torn pieces!

He walks back to the audience as he slowly continues to unfold the paper, and when he has reached the audience member who gave him the newspaper it is completely unfolded! It is completely restored, not a piece is missing, and the mark is still there! The marked sheet of newspaper, which was torn up right before the eyes of the audience, is unharmed and whole once again! The magician returns the newspaper to the person in the audience, thanks him with a bow and goes back to the stage, walking slowly, accompanied by seemingly never-ending applause!

No sleight of hand! No difficult practicing! A purely professional method! Aids? Yes, a small one which you can prepare yourself in just a few minutes. • What else do you need? Some impudence, just a little bit of cheek, that’s all. The effect is shown and explained in full detail on this DVD by Marko Makaj.