Zufalls Memory Trix #5 – Memorizing Numbers


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SKU: b614 Category:


Would you attempt to memorize as many as one-tenth of this list of numbers?

A — 921 794 777 362 781 264 148 092 740 807
B — 952 024 303 215 746 751 .617 310 054 994
C — 370 728 951 562 956 364 500 847 720 172
D — 140 152 950 015 970 374 940 758 144 400
E — 149 527 915 722 410 690 145 745 190 076
F — 754 584 712 890 871 912 620 084 017 214
G — 957 941 947 248 050 321 580 402 141 314
H — 357 914 412 681 136 710 414 701 920 379
I — 139 377 995 070 948 014 737 954 121 976
J — 784 347 840 464 971 741 685 037 715 643

The purpose of this booklet is to show you how.

300 digits+ are easy to do, spectacular to watch. No two numbers are alike.

EFFECT: The figures are printed on a card about the same size as above or written beforehand on a large blackboard. Members of the audience ask you to name the figure corresponding to A-6, or J-2 or any other place on the chart. They ask you to give the numbers in sequence up or down, or diagonally (as in Bingo), or backwards, starting from any point. You can accomplish all this with amazing accuracy and speed to the amazement of your audience!

The author has given a list of 100 numbers but the list can be extended from A to Z and from 1 to 25, or a total of 625 numbers. The author would advise mastering a short list before trying one’s wings on something more ambitious and more complicated.